18ish months to 36ish months
We choose rooms for our children based on the individual child, when they pass certain milestones, they are placed in the correct room for them. The toddler program at CCM focuses on the individual child’s needs and helps him or her develop independence. Children of this age want to contribute to their society and will mimic the actions of the adults around them. Dressing themselves, taking care of plants and animals, serving themselves food and drink, and washing eating utensils are just a few of the many tasks they want to accomplish.
“Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.”
— Maria Montessori
The toddler program at CCM focuses on the individual child’s needs and helps him or her develop independence.
calm, secure, ordered classrooms
Our classsrooms are calm, secure, ordered, and have materials and activities that are designed for learning. Our preparation not only applies to the physical environment, but also to the people and experiences the child encounters in our program. The teachers strive to model the behavior they want the children to emulate (i.e. treating others with respect, speaking in calm, quiet voices, and returning materials to their proper places).
our program is based on science
Development that occurs in motor abilities, the brain, and sensation and perception during the first three years of life lays important groundwork for such skills as language, reading, writing, and mathematics.
During the first three years of life, the brain absorbs more information than at any other time.
Repetition helps develop and maintain strong neural pathways in the brain.
Neural pathways developed in the first three years of life are the most stable over a person’s lifetime.
Given opportunity and training, young children are capable of developing many more skills than most people assume.
a strong academic foundation
Toddlers are introduced to various academic subjects as they are ready; guided by teachers they learn at their own pace. Toddler teachers work closely with the primary teachers to bring additional work into the classroom as needed. Students also learn beginning phonics, math, geography, science, art and music.
blossoming faith
Our program also encourages a close personal relationship with Jesus. We attend Chapel weekly and our daily lessons include Bible stories, Bible songs, Bible overview and prayer. Christ is our CORNERSTONE!