CCM Auction Details

Where: Crystal Ballroom - Lerner Theater
410 S Main St, Elkhart, IN 46514

When: Saturday, April 26th, 2025 at 6pm

Who: YOU! This 21 & up event is for parents, family, friends, coworkers and community members — invite everyone you know!


Can’t attend in person? Check out our Auction online!

Register for a free GiveGrove account to bid online for silent and live auction items, as well as Cookies for Classroom items.

Support Our Annual Auction!

Cornerstone Christian Montessori School is committed to providing a learning environment for children that encourages growth not just academically, but spiritually and socially, as well. With our uniquely Christian Montessori approach, we aim to “Build the Cornerstones of Tomorrow” by raising up children who will be leaders of the future, encouraging families, and inspiring communities. Once a year, we host a community fundraiser to bring together families, community members, and supporters for an event that generates the funds necessary to help us pursue this mission.

This year, funds will help improve the safety and functionality of our facilities, help provide scholarships for families in need, and support ongoing training and professional development for our dedicated teachers.

How Does It Help?

As a non-profit school, our funds for educational and facility needs come primarily from fundraisers and donors. This annual event is always our biggest fundraiser of the year and crucial to keeping our program successful. Our ability to offer scholarships to children in the community who may not otherwise have an opportunity to attend a Montessori school depends on the success of our auction.

What Is the CCM Auction?

Our annual auction is a fun evening out where we invite parents and family, staff, friends, local business owners and community members to support our school through live and silent auctions at a lively gathering with dinner and entertainment.