So how do I get my child into this amazing school?
“Tell Me and I Forget; Teach Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Learn.”
Financial Aid is Available
Please review our Financial Aid Policy.
Then fill out the FAST Financial Aid Application here to start the process:
It all starts with a tour….
We welcome families to come and take a tour of our facility to make sure that you want to become a part of our little family. Once your children are enrolled, they are welcomed into our family and treated as our own. Choosing schooling for your child is important, we want the fit to be right for everyone. Give us a call (574) 264-4444 or an email to set up a tour
Waiting Lists for Fall 2025-2026
We currently have a waiting list in our infant, toddler & primary classrooms. If you want to be added to the waiting list, please fill out the waitlist form in resources and email to
Re-enrollment for current families
We offer first spots to our current families. They have a short time to re-enroll before the public has a chance to enroll . Re-enrollment begins in early February each year and ends on April 15th. All enrollment fees are $225 per child.
Enrollment for new families
If there are spots available, open enrollment begins on April 15th. We do have wait lists in many classrooms, so make sure to apply early. All enrollment fees are $225 per child. Email us to check on availability.