first through sixth grade
Our Elementary curriculum encourages the use of independent, critical thinking skills, time management, and problem-solving. We have a strong curriculum in math, science, and language studies. Students choose what they learn on a daily basis- as they are engaged in one subject one day, they are free to continue studying. Students work in a three-hour work cycle each morning and have daily learning plans that they work together with their teacher to create.

the day.
The elementary program is based on a 3 hour work cycle for the children each day. Preventing interruptions during this time is a priority. Presentations are given to the whole class or on an individual basis as needed. Children begin their day with daily math and language work and move on to their individualized work plans as they are ready. Interactions with adults, problem-solving, peer teaching and socialization all take place during the morning work cycle. Children are challenged on their work-plan according to their ability. Students progress at their own pace; upon achieving mastery they are introduced to new concepts and are not limited in their activities by specified grade level.
social development.
The curriculum for the child from 6-12 years is group-oriented and is extremely sociable. The Montessori Elementary Program at CCM is a small, close-knit group where children form close bonds. The classrooms are multi-aged and are with the same group of classmates year after year, losing and gaining children as the program evolves. The staff is trained to observe and encourage social interaction among the students. Students are free to speak with each other and move about the classroom respectfully and at will throughout the day. The “ground rules” for the classroom are established through discussion with the entire class and revolve around respect
classroom environment.
The classroom is arranged according to subject area. The materials in each individual area are arranged left to right, and in sequential order from concrete to abstract. The children are free to move around the classroom and choose if they would like to work at a table or a rug on the floor. The teacher or assistant work hard to ensure that the children are working on task and prepared to do 2-3 works each morning. It is not uncommon for a child to be totally absorbed in a material or the particular material requiring more time to fully complete. At any given time of day, you can witness the children learning about a variety of subjects including math, language, science, history, geography, art, music, Bible and Spanish.
Teacher Responsibilities: Preparing the environment, Observing the environment, and Facilitating the environment are the main responsibilities of the teacher in the Montessori elementary classroom.
individual attention
Our elementary classes consist of 16 or fewer students with one Montessori trained teacher and one assistant that provides intensive individual reading work for students.
Students have weekly art, PE, Spanish, music, science, and bible classes as well as attending chapel weekly.
“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking: it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.” -Maria Montessori