The best thing you can do for your children is give them space to explore.
our programs
hands-on discovery.
Direct personal contact with physical objects and tactile models bring complex math and science concepts to life. Before students ever memorize 3 x 4 = 12, they touch and see 3 rows of 4. The Montessori Method naturally leads the child from concrete experimentation to abstract critical thinking.
Our Montessori classes are designed for multiple age mixes (3 to 6, 6 to 9, and 9 to 12 years of age) to meet the needs of specific stages of development. This allows the younger students to learn from the older and the older students to reinforce what they know by assisting the younger students.
fostering a passion
for learning.
Within a framework of firm guidance, children progress at their own pace. Students learn early how to take responsibility for their own work plan and manage their time effectively. Flexible curriculum enables children to explore their passions and interests independently of their peers. This self-direction develops independence and a passion for learning.
proven methods. real results.
We employ proven methods of education at all levels. Our curriculum is customized for each individual, ensuring just the right level of challenge in every area, from special needs to gifted and everywhere in between.
Rather than mindless memorization, the Montessori method engages the child with real, concrete examples, making the complex understandable. We instill self-motivation and help your child develop a life-long passion for learning.
the results speak for themselves
Average students routinely test well above their peers on national reading and math standardized tests. And nationally, you'll find some of the most successful people in the world often have a common trait: they are Montessori graduates. But don’t take our word for it, ask any of our happy families.